Sports Is Hell

Silver Sprocket Bicycle Club
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"Sports Is Hell" by Ben Passmore

Some wars are for religion and some are for political belief, but this one is for football.

After her city wins the Super Bowl for the first time, Tea is separated from her friend during a riot and joins a small clique fighting its way through armed groups of football fanatics to meet a star receiver that just might end the civil war or become the city's new oppressive leader. 

BEN PASSMORE is a Philadelphia, PA based cartoonist and illustrator best known for his award-winning comic Your Black Friend (Silver Sprocket), which deftly tackles issues of racism, identity and alienation, and was adapted into a short animated film. His political cartooning appears in The Nib, and he is the cartoonist behind the post-apocalyptic series Daygloahole (Silver Sprocket). He recently partnered with Ezra Claytan Daniels (Upgrade Soul) to bring the body horrific BTTM FDRS (Fantagraphics).   

Published by Silver Sprocket Bicycle Club
Originally published by Koyama Press

8.5" x 11", 60 pages. $15
Two-color covers and interior. Perfect-bound GN