So Buttons #10

Alchemy Comix
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"So Buttons #10" by Jonathan Baylis

It’s the 10th Anniversary issue of So Buttons! This all-new issue features cover art by Thomas Boatwright in tribute to Jim Aparo’s cover for Detective Comics #469 (my first Batman comic). 

Includes new, funny toddler stories by Summer Pierre and heartwarming tributes to my passed dog Mocha by Haley Boros and New Yorker cartoonist Emily Flake.

Beginning in this issue is a multi-part series of strips featuring famous folks that share my birthday, beginning with Norman Mailer, drawn by T.J. Kirsch. I take a dive into some NYC Soul Food history with Princess Pamela collaborating with artist Nicole Miles and recount a piece of Saturday Night Live’s origin story with New Yorker cartoonist Jeremy Nguyen. And Paul Westover draws a snapshot of an old friend that led me to become a bone marrow donor.

“Baylis continues to get better with every issue of his collaborative autobio comic… a solid, satisfying piece of storytelling.” Rob Clough, The Comics Journal

5.5" x 8.5", 20 pages. $5
Full-color covers and interior. Saddle-stitched